


Product Description

  • Poly(L-Ornthine)-PEG (pOrn-PEG) is amphiphilic block copolymer (ABCs) which has hydrophilic PEG block and hydrophobic p(L-Orn) block. P(L-Orn)-PEG can self-assemble into micelles composed of p(L-Orn) core and PEG shell. P(L-Orn) has pendant free amines which can be derivatized on demand for drug/gene delivery.
  • P(L-Orn)-PEG is one of the most extensively biodegradable ABCs for nanomedicine.

Additional information

pOrn molecular weight

2000, 5000, 10K

PEG molecular weight

1000, 2000, 5000

package size

200mg, 500mg, 1g